Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts In undertaking this comprehensive analysis, the NIC worked actively with a range of nongovernmental institutions and experts. We began the analysis with two workshops focusing on drivers and alternative futures, as the appendix describes. Subsequently, numerous specialists from academia and the private sector contributed to every aspect of the study, from demographics to developments in science and technology, from the global arms market to implications for the United States. Many of the judgments in this paper derive from our efforts to distill the diverse views expressed at these conferences or related workshops. Major conferences cosponsored by the NIC with other government and private centers in support of Global Trends 2015 included:
* Foreign Reactions to the Revolution in Military Affairs (Georgetown University).
* Evolution of the Nation-State (University of Maryland).
* Trends in Democratization (CIA and academic experts).
* American Economic Power (Industry & Trade Strategies, San Francisco, CA).
* Transformation of Defense Industries (International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, UK).
* Alternative Futures in War and Conflict (Defense Intelligence Agency and Naval War College, Newport, RI, and CIA).